As soon as the De La Salle Brothers of the Christian Schools (Freres) settled in Jerusalem in 1876, they naturally looked forward to establish a school in Bethlehem to provide high quality education to the young boys of the town. Brother Evagre, who was Principal at that time of Collège des Frères in Jerusalem, worked towards this end. The purchase of the land on a hilltop north of the town of Bethlehem was concluded in 1889. Thirteen thousand sq. m. of land were bought from 17 landowners. Br. Evagre entrusted the supervision of the construction work to the 21-year old Br. Ismael-Marie who lived in Bethlehem until his death in 1959.
Departments of the Collège des Frères Bethlehem
Administrative department
- Administration Office
- Human Resources
- Finance and Accounts
- Student Services
- Facilities Management
Academic Department
- Kindergarten Department
- Primary School Department (two sections)
- Secondary School Department
- Junior High School (Grades 7-9)
- Senior High School (Grades 10-12)